Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Leadership Tip of the Day

Take a Grown-Up Break

It's been widely accepted that children need time to get out of the classroom and just play. They're not the only one's who need a break. Why do we assume adults grow out of this? The truth is taking breaks during the day from work makes you more productive.

Here are three ideas for an adult recess:

  • Take a cell phone break. Turn off your device for 30 minutes. Give your mind a chance to rest from the stream of incoming messages.
  • Treat yourself to a weekly food splurge. You have to shop for food anyway, why not find ways to make it more fun? Buy an unusual food you've never cooked before or visit a new farmers' market.
  • Do a crossword or read a book at lunch. Again, no extra time involved. Use the 20 minutes it takes you to eat a sandwich to engage in a non-work activity.

I hope this leadership tip has been helpful.


1 comment:

  1. Anyone who violates my lunch time reading space is taking their life in their own hands! Good tips.
